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How to Double the Amount of Money You Put Into Your Pocket When You Sell Your Business

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Is It Magic?

None of the strategies and techniques included in this report, or in the Pack Your Parachute book, are by themselves unique or mysterious, but when effectively executed in unison, this is when the magic happens. It’s similar to how yeast works in the bread making process. Yeast serves as a multiplier because it facilitates a complex interaction between flour and water that gives bread its texture, denseness, and taste qualities.

In summary, my forthcoming book Pack Your Parachute –How to Double the Amount of Money You Put in Your Pocket When You Sell Your Business has a step-by-step process you can follow together with real-life case studies that are drawn from my decades of experience in helping entrepreneur get into and out of a business as well as actual case studies taken from my podcast called Business Exit Stories. You can subscribe to the podcast on Apple Podcast, Stitcher, Google Play or wherever you get your podcast from.
