From Making Money as a Side Hustle to a $19M Business Losing Money

A chemist that solves a problem his wife had with some of her hair and cosmetic beauty products line while working full time. His side hustle turned into a business that exploded into a $19M business virtually overnight. Hyper growth when scaling nearly forced an early exit and disaster was averted. 

An absentee owner business was acquired and how leverage was used to get a 10X return when properly managed. 

A high school graduate that made money mowing lawns turned this part time job into a multi-million dollar exit by smartly building his business a day at a time and planning his exit like a pro. 

An entrepreneur deciding not to go to medical school was probably a smart financial decision. While most doctors were finishing up their residency and beginning their medical practice, this entrepreneur had banked over $15M on the sale of his medical tech company. 

Matt Wochele Jay Snypp

Matt Wochele & J. Snypp
Preferred Brokers, Inc.
Atlanta, Georgia
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